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The Game
The Bekertjesstapespel is fastest growing sensation in office gaming.

No matter how stressed you are and how impossible that deadline may be, there's always time to play the bekertjesstapelspel !!!
The rules are simple

First find an office/corridor with an even floor and a high ceiling. It also has to be a draft free environment.

Secondly, get hold of 50 plastic bekertjes. Styrofoam cups are not allowed.

Stapel the bekertjes on top of each other. The first one right side up, the second wrong side up, the third right side up again etc. etc.

You may not correct the position of the cups below the one you're placing

Speciale note: at an attempt to achieve an official ranking (one of) your bekertjesstapelspel company representative has to be present.
The Rules
The Ranking

    Official undisputed Bekertjesstapespel World Champion:
  1. Eline - 21

  2. Leon - 16

  3. Jessica/Sjak - 13

  4. Renate - 9

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